Welcome to my online home! This web site is a consolidation of my personal web site (from ages past) and my Pace University doctoral program web site. As such, it has some information that you might find on a personal site (secured, when appropriate), some of my general interests, my software development and methodology research, and, when I have time to add it, a blog. I expect that the site will continue to evolve and change as my interests grow and/or change.
Fall Pictures - Litchfield, CT and Harris Hill Farm The kids and I went up to Litchfield, CT to take some pictures. The fall leaves at this time of year always force a picture trip for us. This year, the colors have been somewhat muted—there is much more yellow than red and the colors do not seem as bright. Nevertheless, we got some good shots. I used my digital SLR while teaching Samantha how to use my T70 35mm camera (and taking a few shots myself). Benjamin got to use my Fuji A101—and did a pretty nice job for a six-year-old! I have posted a few of the better shots on their own page. Family members can see them in Kodak Gallery. |
DPS Program Papers and Files Although this web site is designed to consolidate two personal web sites (one for my DPS program and my "family" web site), that consolidation is not complete. My DPS papers, files, and references still appear on my DPS Web Site. Family Web Site My former family web site is quite old, but it does have some interesting links and content on it. Like the DPS web site, it is hoped that I can eventually consolidate the content into this web site and dispense with it. |
![]() The sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Picture taken on August 12, 2007. © Copyright 2007 by James F. Kile. |
Last updated: November 24, 2023 4:48 PM
Copyright © 2023 James F. Kile. All rights reserved.